
The main character for the show

Season 1[]

  1. The First Episode
  2. Move Out
  3. Fun Mansion
  4. Not an Escape

    Some minor characters for the show, a lego cosplay wedding

  5. Max is Mad
  6. The Explosivo
  7. Ramine Party
  8. Fire Truck Lie
  9. Rose War
  10. Leap ing
  11. Night Partner
  12. Sate Date
  13. Love is Air

Season 2[]

  1. Back Again
  2. Interference with mam
  3. Ramine Kiss
  4. Manor or Mansion
  5. Dad the Dog
  6. Empty Thanks
  7. Talk like a girl
  8. Un tangled web
  9. Confused Glaz
  10. New Kidz of Mansion
  11. Reunion of DJ
  12. Nut crack
  13. Baby Year

Season 3[]

  1. Best SOS Ever
  2. Don't break
  3. Declare of Pendent
  4. Hickey Pony
  5. Baby sits
  6. My Raz
  7. Dress to Yes
  8. Pretty Sure
  9. Do Not Come
  10. Japan's Wedding
  11. Coaster Troll
  12. Bayview Watch
  13. Tom Tale
  14. Surrogated
  15. Sister's Soul
  16. Happily and Living
  17. Empty Frog
  18. Here doesn't sun